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Discover a coaching session with me

Partnering with me in a coaching relationship will allow you to meet a deeply empathetic, warm, and present—yet challenging coach who will reflect the discrepancies between your goals and your actions, gently pushing your attention back "to the ball" so that your so-called "impossible" becomes your new "I'm possible," allowing you to find a purposeful, burnout-free, and happy life.

I work with diverse leaders, focusing mainly on helping them become more productive and stay ahead of competitors by putting their mental and physical health first. 

My strengths are listening fully without judging, being there and meeting you where you are now, and having compassion and empathy. 

When we feel accepted and listened to, we can open up and ultimately thrive in what we call "our ideal life"." Let me show you how that is more attainable than you ever thought. 

What recommends me

  • 15+ years of international experience working with C-level executives and entrepreneurs in the document management and franchising industry.

  • I use various techniques to bring high value to my clients and fast results. But what they mostly appreciate me for is my warm-kind nature, yet the high energy that I bring into our sessions, as well as the safe space I co-create with them so that they can feel confident to bloom into unexpected AHA and insight that leads to essential life-changes decisions. ​

  • 600+ hrs of coaching professionals from: Document Management, IT, Logistics, PR & Marketing, Consulting, Retail, NGO's, Humanitarian

  • Facilitator for bespoke workshops on mental health and leadership

  • Mentor and Executive Coach at SAP Startup Factory by BANA

  • Mentor at the Professional Women's Network

  • Executive Coach at the Humanitarian Coaching Network

  • Member of the Board,  the Romanian Business Club of Switzerland

I genuinely believe that everyone has unlimited potential to accomplish all their dreams and that each of us uncovers a beautiful and unique "black pearl core", ready to shine upon the world.



Ana-Maria - Quality Manager working in the Pharma Industry in Switzerland
I confirm that I have been part of Ana Hüni`s productivity and leadership training program. The training had a 3-month duration and included both group and individual coaching sessions. A few subjects approached in Ana`s 3-month program were: setting up morning and evening rituals, waking up at 5 AM to start the day for myself, planning, evaluating and reviewing my schedule, impactful communication, techniques for enhanced productivity, work – life balance, mindfulness techniques for burnout prevention, becoming aware about the roles one plays every day as a leader, lifestyle design, etc. The training, together with the weekly group coaching, helped me a lot to set up healthyboundaries between my personal and professional life. It has also brought me clarity regarding my professional short-term and long-term goals.
The additional individual coaching sessions with Ana gave me the power to take the hard decisions I knew I needed to take in my life. I cannot recommend Ana well enough as a trainer, coach and mentor. I deeply felt her genuine desire to support my change process, in my own rhythm. She has a presence that motivates you to work on reaching your wildest dreams. She was interested in all I had to say, she listened and motivated me to express myself. It was not only a leadership abilities improvement training, dealing with developing efficient work habits and focus on goal achievement, but a life improvement program as well.
Patrik - International Manager working in the Humanitarian Support Belgium
I came to coaching without much in terms of expectations, if not scepticism; I was wondering how someone I don't know could really help me understand what I thought I understood already well… but Ana has done an excellent job in opening my eyes by asking the right questions at the right time. She helped me see my reality with a fresh perspective, forcing me to go deeper in my own thinking to try and make the best out of an upcoming situation of change. I'm really grateful for this opportunity and warmly recommend her


Goolnosh - Project Manager working in the Humanitarian industry in Iran
Ana is a very sharp and smart coach, introduced and matched the requirement of my working environment through The Humanitarian Coaching Network (HCN). she is a very careful active-listener and led me smoothly to look at a bigger picture of my professional life.
She supported me to find the most feasible approach to my problems in the workspace, leading me to plan my professional development and have a vision for my future career. This approach shed a light on my self-development and helped me to realise a work and life balance, emphasising on securing time-slots to focus and personal development.
Ana shared relevant professional tests, articles, and books with me that suit my burned-out condition and encouraged me to explore more deeper into my working habits and characteristics, accepting it and planning with a brighter vision accordingly. The agenda and topics of each session was fully selected and led by myself. She helped me to find out ways to explore my inner strengths and invest on them. One of the truly useful coaching sessions that I had with her was the simulation of a job interview in which, she mentored me on how to manage an interview successfully.
Overall, Ana is very committed to her work and to her clients. The coaching sessions with Ana was truly constructive and I will continue utilizing tools and techniques I have learnt from her.
Alexa - First time manager in IT in Netherlands
I had the pleasure to work with Ana on coaching. How I would describe her? Warm, empathic, with very good energy. What I've got from my cooperation with her? Motivation and courage to start my plans. Sometimes we don't realize it, but inspirational words from the right person are life-changing. Keep motivating and inspiring people!